Selasa, 27 Desember 2011

Do you like Bunaken, Sir...?

Peta Bunaken of North Sulewesi
Pada 1844 gempa bumi yang sangat kuat pernah menghancurkan kota Manado hingga rata dengan tanah. Pemerintah kolonial Belanda mendesain kembali kota Manado dan membangunnya kembali dari puing-puing kehancuran. Empat belas tahun kemudian ahli biologi terkenal asa Inggris Alfred Wallace yang berkunjung ke Manado pada 1858 menjuluki Manado sebagai 'salah satu kota tercantik di timur".

Saat ini, Manado telah berkembang menjadi kota besar dengan masyarakatnya yang kosmopolitan. Ibukota provinsi Sulawesi Utara ini merupakan kota yang bersih dengan penduduknya yang ramah. Standar ekonomi penduduk Manado disebut-sebut sebagai yang tertinggi di wilayah timur Indonesia.

Museum Negeri Provinsi Sulawesi Utara di Jalan Supratman (telp. 892685) adalah salah satu tempat yang perlu dikunjungi jika berada di Manado. Museum ini memiliki koleksi pakaian adat, rumah adat dan berbagai peralatan. Sementara di Jalan Panjaitan terdapat Klenteng Ban Hiang Kiong yang dibangun pada abad ke-19 dan merupakan klenteng Budha tertua di wilayah timur Indonesia. Pada setiap bulan Februari diadakan festival yang sangat menarik di klenteng yang terletak di Jalan Panjaitan, Manado.

Di beberapa sudut kota Manado terdapat monumen yang dibangun untuk menghormati pahlawan nasional ataupun pahlawan masyarakat Minahasa antara lain monumen Sam Ratulangi yang dibangun untuk menghormati gubernur pertama yang juga disebut sebagai bapak masyarakat Minahasa yang wafat pada Juni 1949. Selain itu terdapat pula Monumen Toar Lumimut yang menggambarkan karakter Adam dan Hawa dari mitologi masyarakat Minahasa.

Pulau Bunaken terkenal di seluruh dunia karena keindahan taman lautnya dan kecantikan pantai dengan karang-karang lautnya. Bunaken disebut-sebut memiliki kecantikan alam bawah laut yang paling spektakuler di dunia di mana aneka bentuk terumbu karang, gua-gua dan lembah bawah air bersatu padu dihiasi bunga karang dan aneka ikan berwarna-warni. Hewan laut seperti kura-kura dan ikan lumba-lumba juga kerap terlihat di kawasan Bunaken.

Aneka bentuk koral warna-warni di sekitar Pulau Bunaken telah menjadi daya tarik bagi wisatawan mancanegara untuk datang menyelam atau snorkeling. Di Pulau Bunaken terdapat sisa-sisa bangkai pesawat terbang militer dari masa Perang Dunia ke-2 yang juga didatangi wisatawan sebagai salah satu daya tarik wisata di tempat ini.

Beautiful under sea
Taman Nasional Bunaken merupakan kawasan konservasi perairan dengan luas 79.065 ha yang terdiri dari dua bagian terpisah yaitu bagian Utara meliputi lima pulau masing-masing Pulau Bunaken, Siladen. Manado Tua, Mantehage dan Pulau Nain, serta wilayah pesisir Desa Molas, Desa Meras, Tongkaina dan Tiwoho. Di bagian selatan meliputi Desa Popo, Teling, Kumu, Pinasungkulan, Rap-Rap, Sondaken, Wawontulap dan Poperang.

Di konservasi Bunaken ini terdapat keanekaragaman hayati pesisir dan laut yang sangat tinggi dan terdapat tiga ekosistem utama perairan tropis Indonesia, yaitu : terumbu karang, hutan bakau dan padang lamun.

Di tenggara Kota Manado terdapat kota kecil bernama Kawangkoan. Sekitar 3 Km dari Kawangkoan terdapat Gua Jepang yang dibangun tentara Jepang pada PD II. Gua ini dibangun pada kawasan perbukitan yang mengelilingi Kota Manado dan berfungsi sebagai tempat perlindungan terhadap serangan udara Sekutu dan juga tempat untuk menyimpan amunisi, makanan dan obat-obatan.

Pulau Siladen merupakan pulau kecil yang indah dekat pulau Bunaken dan menjadi tujuan wisata bahari bagi wisatawan yang menyukai olahraga selam di taman laut sekitarnya. Pulau ini berpasir putih dengan vegetasi alam yang hijau yang sudah dilengkapi dengan hotel. Mudah dicapai dengan speed boat dari Manado sekitar 40 menit atau 10 menit dari Tongkaina.

( In 1844 a powerful earthquake had destroyed the city of Manado to the ground. The Dutch colonial government to redesign the city of Manado and rebuild it from scratch. Fourteen years later discouraged famous English biologist Alfred Wallace visited Manado Manado in 1858 dubbed as' one of the most beautiful city in the east ".
Currently, Manado has developed into a big city with a cosmopolitan society. The provincial capital of North Sulawesi is a clean city with friendly inhabitants. Economic standard of the population Manado touted as the highest in eastern Indonesia.
State of North Sulawesi Provincial Museum in Jalan Supratman (telp. 892 685) is one of the places that need to be visited if you are in Manado. This museum has a collection of custom clothing, custom homes and a variety of equipment. While on the Road Tires Panjaitan Hiang Kiong temple there was built in the 19th century and is the oldest Buddhist temple in eastern Indonesia. At the festival held every February is very interesting in the pagoda is located at Jalan Panjaitan, Manado.
In some corners of the city of Manado there is a monument built to honor a national hero or heroine Minahasa community, among others, Sam Ratulangi monument built to honor the first governor who is also called the father of Minahasa people who died in June 1949. In addition there are also monuments Toar Lumimut depicting characters from the mythology of Adam and Eve Minahasa community.
Bunaken island famous worldwide for its beautiful sea garden and the beauty of the coast with sea cliffs. Bunaken has touted the beauty of nature's most spectacular underwater world where various forms of coral reefs, caves and valleys unite underwater reefs decorated with flowers and a variety of colorful fish. Marine animals such as turtles and dolphins are also often seen in the area of ​​Bunaken.
Various forms of colorful corals around Bunaken Island has become an attraction for foreign tourists to come diving or snorkeling. Bunaken Island are the remains of dead military aircraft from World War 2, which is also visited by tourists as one tourist attraction in this place.
Bunaken National Park is a conservation area with an area of ​​79,065 ha of water consisting of two separate parts of the northern part includes five individual islands of Bunaken Island, Siladen. Manado Tua, Mantehage and Nain Island, and coastal areas Molas Village, Village Meras, Tongkaina and Tiwoho. In the southern part includes the village of Popo, ear, Kumu, Pinasungkulan, Rap-Rap, Sondaken, Wawontulap and Poperang.
On the conservation of Bunaken have coastal and marine biodiversity is very high and there are three main ecosystems of tropical waters of Indonesia, namely: coral reefs, mangroves and seagrass beds.
In the southeastern city of Manado there is a small town named Kawangkoan. About 3 km from there Kawangkoan Japanese Cave built Japanese soldiers during World War II. This cave is built on hills that surround the city of Manado and serves as a protection against Allied air attacks and also a place to store ammunition, food and medicine.
Siladen Island is a beautiful small island near Bunaken island and marine tourism destination for tourists who love the sport diving in the surrounding marine park. The island is sandy white with a green natural vegetation that is equipped with the hotel. Easily accessible by speed boat from Manado about 40 minutes or 10 minutes from Tongkaina. )

Anda, Raja di Tana Toraja

Tana Toraja merupakan salah satu daerah tujuan wisata yang paling menarik dan terkenal. Secara Geografis, wilayahnya berada di pangkal semenanjung Sulawesi Selatan dan meliputi wilayah yang cukup luas. di sini, kita akan menjumpai rumah-rumah dan desa-desa tradisional dengan sawahnya yang membentang luas. bangunan rumahnya yang tradisional disebut dengan "tongkonan" dengan arsitektur yang unik. Singkat kata, kebudayaan Toraja sangat menarik.

Di Tana Toraja ini, upacara ritual penguburan mayat merupakan salah satu acara adat yang mengesankan bagi wisatawan, bahkan sudah terkenal di seluruh mancanegara. Orang Toraja percaya, bahwa tanpa upacara penguburan ini, arwah orang yang mati itu akan memberikan kemalangan bagi keluarga yang ditinggalkan.

Puncak acara penguburan ini biasanya berlangsung pada bulan Juli dan Agustus. Pada saat itu, orang Toraja dari seluruh Indonesia akan pulang kampung untuk ikut serta dalam acara ritual ini. Kedatangan orang Toraja dari perantauan ini diikuti pula dengan tibanya wisatawan dari segala penjuru yang memenuhi daerah ini. Karena akomodasinya yang terbatas, hal ini membuat tarif penginapan dan hotel di Rantepao menjadi meroket tinggi.

Masyarakat Toraja secara etnografi dapat dibagi dalam tiga kelompok yaitu, Toraja barat, timur dan selatan, tapi yang banyak dikenal orang luar khususnya wisatawan asing adalah Toraja Selatan yang dikenal juga dengan nama Toraja Sa'adan atau Saqdan dan umumnya bermukim di dan sekitar Rantepao dan Makale, ibukota administrasi Tana Toraja. Kota kecil yang cantik ini dikelilingi perbukitan yang puncaknya sering ditutupi kabut dan di dekat kota terdapat sebuah danau buatan.

Pada puncak-puncak bukit itu terdapat gereja yang dicat dengan warna putih. Di pasar Makale, pedagang antara lain menjual babi hidup yang kakinya diikat pada batang bambu, belut hidup dalam ember dan balok minuman khas setempat. Tidak jauh dari pasar, di jalan yang menuju Tondon, terdapat tau tau pada sebuah bukit batu, Anda dapat melakukan eksplorasi di kawasan sekitar bukit ini atau melanjutkan perjalanan ke Sangala.

Rantepao merupakan kota terbesar di tana Toraja dan juga pusat perdagangan di wilayah itu. Wisatawan yang mengunjungi Toraja umumnya berkumpul di Rantepao. Kota ini menjadi titik awal bagi wisatawan yang ingin mengeksplorasi segala keunikan dan keindahan Toraja.  Rantepao adalah kota hujan karena hujan hampir selalu turun sepanjang tahun dengan udara yang dingin pada malam hari.

Rantepao memiliki pasar yang besar namun kegiatan perdagangan hanya dilaksanakan sekali dalam seminggu, salah satunya adalah Pasar Bolu, Pasar yang terletak sekitar 2 Km di timur laut Rantepao ini memang untuk dikunjungi karena menjadi tempat pertemuan orang Toraja yang datang dari berbagai tempat di wilayah ini.

Batutumonga adalah kota kecil yang terletak di lereng Gunung Sesean, sekitar 20 Km di utara Rantepao, memiliki panorama yang indah. Dari ketinggian tempat ini terbentang pemandangan ke arah Kota Rantepao dan Lembah Sa'adan yang berada di kejauhan di kaki gunung. Dari tempat ini wisatawan juga dapat menikmati keindahan matahari terbit dan melakukan perjalanan (hiking) menyusuri kawsan Batutumonga, kemudian menikmati makanan di restoran dan bermalam di penginapan yang tersedia di kota ini.

Lembah Mamasa merupakan kawasan yang berada di sebelah barat Tana Toraja sehingga sering pula disebut dengan nama Tana Toraja Barat. Wilayah ini memiliki panorama alam yang indah serta kebudayaan yang unik. Walaupun kedua daerah ini terletak berdekatan namun terdapat perbedaan kebudayaan antara masyarakat di Lembah Mamasa dengan di Tana Toraja. Rumah adat mamasa memiliki atap kayu yang berat dengan bentuk yang tidak terlalu melengkung sementara rumah adat Toraja memiliki atap kayu dengan bentuk huruf "U". Selain itu, masyarakat Mamasa tidak memiliki terlalu banyak upacara adat sebagaimana di Toraja.

Mamasa merupakan desa terbesar di lembah ini dengan udara yang bersih dan sejuk serta penduduknya yang ramah. Puncak kesibukan desa ini hanya terjadi pada hari pasar saat orang-orang yang tinggal di lereng-lereng gunung di lembah ini berdatangan ke Desa mamasa untuk menjual barang dagangannya, salah satunya adalah kain tenun selimut yang harus dipakai saat tidur karena udara di tempat ini sangat dingin pada malam hari.

Wilayah di sekitar Desa Mamasa memiliki pemandangan yang sangat indah. Tersedia kendaraan bermotor (ojeg) atau angkot yang dapat disewa di Desa Mamasa yang dapat digunakan untuk berkeliling ke berbagai tempat menarik di sekitar daerah itu.

( You, the King in Tana Toraja)
Tana Toraja is one of the most attractive tourist destination and famous. Geographically, its territory on the lower peninsula of South Sulawesi and covers an area large enough. here, we will find homes and traditional villages with fields that stretched wide. building a traditional house called "tongkonan" with its unique architecture. In short, the culture of Toraja in Tana Toraja, the rites of burial ritual is one impressive custom event for tourists, even the already famous around the world. Toraja people believe, that without this funeral, the dead person's spirit will provide misfortune for the family left behind.

The highlight of this burial usually takes place in July and August. At that time, the Toraja people from all over Indonesia will return home to participate in these rituals. The arrival of people from overseas Toraja was followed by the arrival of tourists from all over who meets this areas. Due to limited accommodation, it makes the tariff inns and hotels in Rantepao be sky-high.

Toraja society in ethnography can be divided into three groups namely, Toraja west, east and south, but are little known to foreign tourists, especially outside the South Toraja is also known by the name Toraja Sa'adan or Saqdan and generally live in and around Rantepao and Makale , the administrative capital of Tana Toraja. This beautiful little town surrounded by hills that peak is often covered with fog and near the town there is an artificial lake. very attractive.

On the hilltops there is a church that was painted with white. In the market Makale, among other merchants selling live pigs whose legs were tied to a bamboo pole, live eels in a bucket and bar beverages local specialties. Not far from the market, on a path of Tondon, there are tau tau on a rock hill, you can perform exploration in the area surrounding this hill or continue on to Sangala.

Rantepao tana is the largest city in Toraja and trade center in the region. Tourists who visit the Toraja generally congregate in Rantepao. The city is a starting point for tourists who want to explore all the uniqueness and beauty of Toraja. Rantepao is the city of rain because rain is almost always falls throughout the year with the cold air at night.

Rantepao has a huge market, but trading activity carried out only once a week, one of which is Bolu Market, Market, located about 2 km to the northeast Rantepao is indeed to be visited as a meeting place Toraja people who come from different places in the region.

Batutumonga is a small town situated on the slopes of Mount Sesean, about 20 km north of Rantepao, has a beautiful panorama. From this altitude view of the city lies Rantepao and Sa'adan Valley located in the distance at the foot of the mountain. From this place, tourists can also enjoy the beautiful sunrise and take a trip (hiking) down kawsan Batutumonga, then enjoy a meal in the restaurant and overnight at the lodge are available in this city.

Mamasa Valley is an area located to the west of Tana Toraja so often called by the name of Tana Toraja West. This area has beautiful natural scenery and unique culture. Although these two areas are located adjacent to but there are cultural differences between communities in the Valley Mamasa with in Tana Toraja. Mamasa traditional house has a roof of heavy timber with a less curved shape while the traditional Toraja house has a wooden roof with a form letter "U". In addition, people do not have too much Mamasa ceremonies as in Toraja.

Mamasa is the largest village in this valley with cool clean air and friendly people. This peak occurs only village on market day when the people who live on mountain slopes in this valley came to the village of Mamasa to sell his wares, one of which is a fabric woven blanket that should be worn during sleep because the air is very cold in this place at night.

Areas around the Village Mamasa has very beautiful scenery. Available motor vehicles (OJEG) or public transportation that can be rented in the village of Mamasa that can be used to get around to various interesting places around the area.

Minggu, 25 Desember 2011

Hilangnya Kreativitas Cihampelas

Aksesoris (Foto: Bakri)
Era naik daunnya kawasan Cihampelas pada 1980-an, sempat menjadi buah bibir di kalangan pemuda Jakarta. Mereka yang jalan-jalan ke Bandung serasa belum sreg kalau belum mampir ke kawasan pusat penjualan pakaian jadi ini, khsususnya jeans. T-shirt dengan aneka desain hasil tangan-tangan kreatif menjadi santapan remaja dan pemuda yang haus akan hal-hal yang bersifat baru kini seakan menghilang dari ruang pamer outlet. Pokoknya, dulu kalau belanja ke sini, rasanya gimanaaaa gitu...! ujar seorang pengunjung dari Jakarta. Itu dulu, sekarang bagaimana? 

Army look  kw 2 (foto: Bakri)
Kenapa sekarang toko-toko, outlet, gerai-gerainya pada sepi, Kang? “Yah, terutama memang sekarang sudah banyak saingan, Pak! Di Bandung selain banyak mal berdiri, kini sudah banyak titik-titik sentra produksi yang membuka factory outlet. Jadi, kalau pengunjung ke sini kurang ramai, mungkin sudah terjadi pemerataan pengunjung,” ujar salah seorang kasir outlet jeans, T-shirt dan pakaian jadi lainnya.

Bandung kian ramai dan jalan raya pun kian padat merayap (pamer) oleh berbagai kendaraan, khususnya angkot. Seperti yang seringkali dikeluhkan oleh banyak orang yang sering wara-wiri Jakarta-Bandung tentang jalan rayanya yang hanya satu arah membuat seseorang yang salah jalan harus mutar balik kadang cukup jauh. Menyebalkan memang. Tapi itulah ciri khas Bandung dengan apa adanya.

Di beberapa titik memang nampak beberapa rumah telah berubah menjadi factory outlet. Walau kian menjamur, tapi memang belum tentu menjadi pusat keramaian. Ada beberapa outlet yang sepi pengunjungnya. “Walau sebutannya factory outlet, bicara harga belum tentu harga pabrik. Factory outlet yang ramai dikunjungi konsumen biasanya, harganya miring banget dan kualitas barangnya juga oke,” tutur Sandra, yang biasa kalau ke Bandung selalu menyempatkan diri mampir ke Cihampelas dan Factory outlet di sekitarnya.

Peyeum Bandung (Foto: Bakri)
Membandingkan keramaian Cihampelas dulu dengan sekarang memang beda jauh. Sekitar 1990-an, Cihampelas sedang boomingnya dengan industri celana jeans. Sebagai daya tarik mengunjung, hampir tiap toko atau outlet saling adu kreasi memamerkan desain exterior-nya. Ada yang menaruh mobil tua di atas tokonya dengan desain seakan mobil yang hanya nongol kepalanya itu menabrak dinding bagian depan toko. Ada juga memamerkan patung spiderman besar, Rambo (masih ada hingga kini), ada beca, sepeda, koboi dan banyak lagi kreasi lainnya.

Namun, seiring perjalanan waktu, terjadi pergeseran keramaian secara perlahan, Cihampelas yang sekarang ini, memang tidaklah ramai dulu. Apalagi jika kita mengamati isi tokonya yang kurang full dengan dagangannya. Kalaupun ada, seperti T-Shirt dan pakaian wanita, modelnya hanya yang itu-itu saja. Cihampelas seakan mati kreatifitas. Mandeg dari sentuhan tangan-tangan kreatif. Beberapa outlet pakaian, seperti jean, T-shirt, pakaian wanita, nampak kurang diminati pengunjung.

Buat para pemburu kaos “semarak desain” tentu bakal kecewa berat lantaran toko-toko tersebut hanya memamerkan stocknya yang hanya itu-itu saja desainnya.

Tak seheboh dulu (Foto: Bakri)
Beberapa outlet pakaian terlihat memasang tulisan diskon besar-besaran hingga 50%. Ada juga yang aneka T-shirt wanita hingga seharga Rp 10.000.-/potong. Namun sayangnya, sejak TNOL berdiri beberapa menit di situ yang nampak hanya segelintir pengunjung yang membolak-balikkan kaos itu namun tak berminat membeli. Selain yang didiskon stok barang lama, modelnya pun tergolong biasa saja malah terkesan lusuh abis.

Yah, walaupun sempat kecewa dikit, tapi para pengunjung masih bisa terhibur dengan adanya areal Cihampelas Walk (Ciwalk) yang begitu luas berikut aneka kulinernya. Pengunjung yang “easy going” bisa menyeruput es duren seharga Rp 5000,- atau beli peuyeum (tape singkong) buat oleh-oleh tetangga yang sekilo harganya tak sampai Rp 5000.

(Foto: Istimewa)
Usai mengunjungi outlet “Army Look”, pakaian loreng, mulai dari celana tentara, loreng, baju dan topi hijau serdadu yang variatif harganya berkisar Rp 25.000.- hingga Rp 75.000.-, TNOL memasuki toko tas cukup terkenal “Elizabeth”. Di toko aneka tas ini, dulu cukup ramai oleh pengunjung, tapi sekarang sepi banget. Biasanya, di akhir-akhir tahun seperti ini, “Elizabeth” paling getol mendiskon produknya, mulai dari dompet pria, wanita hingga tas dengan aneka desain yang menyita waktu untuk mengamatinya. Tapi, Sabtu kemarin, tidak ada terpampang kata-kata diskon.

Peta Cihampelas
Di salah satu toko pakaian, celana jeans merek terkenal “Levis” didiskon hingga 50% sehingga menjadi Rp 100 ribu hingga Rp 150 ribu. beberapa pengunjung begitu melihat produknya malah nggak jadi beli karena melihat label yang tertera di pinggang sudah digunting. Kenapa harus digunting? “Memang begitu peraturannya, Pak. Menurunkan harga tapi cuting label, artinya mereknya harus dibuang, tapi soal bahan saya jamin asli dan bagus, Pak,” jelas salah seorang wanita penjaga kasir.

Jeans Bandung (Foto: Istimewa)
Dari pada beli kaos harganya mahal tapi desainnya nggak karuan dan dipakainya nggak enak di badan mendingan cari kaos yang dijual orang dipinggir jalan. Kaos putih dengan desain tulisan “Bandung Paris Van Java” ini dijual mulai dari harga Rp 10.000 hingga Rp 20.000.- Yang menolong kaos ini adalah desainnya bergambar Kota Tua Bandung dengan mobil tua yang sedang berada di tengahnya. Ada juga gambar Gedung Sate. Lumayan juga selain enak dilihat, dipakenya juga sreg di badan.

(Increased leaf area Cihampelas era in the 1980s, had become a byword among the youth of Jakarta. Those are the roads getting here has not felt comfortable if you do not stop at the central area of ​​apparel sales is, in particular jeans. T-shirts with various designs of creative hands into fine young people and youth who thirst for the things that are just now seemed to disappear from showrooms outlet. Anyway, first when shopping here, it feels so ... gimanaaaa! said a visitor from Jakarta. That was then, now what?

Why now stores, outlet, outlet-stores on the quiet, Kang? "Well, mainly it now has many rivals, sir! In Bandung in addition to many malls stood, now a lot of points production center that opened factory outlets. So, if visitors come here are less crowded, it may have occurred even distribution of visitors, "said one cashier outlet jeans, T-shirts and other apparel.

Bandung increasingly crowded and the road is increasingly creeping solid (showing off) by a variety of vehicles, especially public transportation. As is often complained of by many people who often wara-wiri Jakarta-Bandung on the street festival is only one way to make someone the wrong way sometimes be rolling back far enough. It sucks indeed. But that's the hallmark of Bandung with what it is.At some point it seems some houses have been turned into a factory outlet. Although increasingly proliferated, but did not necessarily become the center of the crowd. There are several outlets that quiet visitors. "Although it is called factory outlets, price is not necessarily talking factory prices. Factory outlets that consumers usually crowded, very low price and quality of goods is also okay, "said Sandra, who usually when getting here has always found time to stop Cihampelas and Factory outlets in the vicinity.

Comparing past and present Cihampelas crowd was much different. Around the 1990s, Cihampelas industry is booming with jeans. As the appeal of visiting, almost every shop or outlet fighting each other creations showcased its exterior design. There is an old car put on top of his store with the design of the car as if it's just sticking his head hit the wall of the store front. There are also exhibiting a large statue of Spiderman, Rambo (still there today), there is beca, bicycles, cowboys and many more other creations.

However, over time, slowly shifting crowd, Cihampelas present, it is not crowded yet. Moreover, if we observe a less full contents of his store with merchandise. If anything, such as T-shirts and women's clothing, the model is just that-that's it. Cihampelas creativity as if dead. Stagnated from the touch of creative hands. Some of the outlets of clothing, like jeans, T-shirts, women's clothing, appear to be less interested visitors.

Create a t-shirt hunters "vibrant design" would have been disappointed because the stores are just showing off stocknya the only design that's it.Some outlets clothing looks put up a massive discount of up to 50%. There are also a variety of T-shirts for women up to Rp 10.000.-/potong. But unfortunately, since TNOL stand a few minutes there is visible only a handful of visitors that the shirt was tossing and turning but not interested in buying. In addition to the discounted stock of the old stuff, the model was quite impressed even casual shabby abis.

Well, although it was slightly disappointed, but the visitors could still be entertained by the area Cihampelas Walk (Ciwalk) following such a broad variety of culinary. Visitors are "easy going" can sip iced durian for Rp 5000, - or buy peuyeum (fermented cassava) created by the neighbor-kilo price is less than USD 5000.

After visiting the outlet "Army Look", camouflage clothing, ranging from army pants, camouflage uniforms, shirts and green hats varied soldiers .- prices range from Rp 25,000 to Rp 75,000 .-, TNOL bags into the store quite famous "Elizabeth". At various stores this bag, used to be quite crowded by visitors, but now really quiet. Typically, in recent years like this, "Elizabeth" most industrious to discount its products, ranging from wallet men, women to bags with various designs that take the time to watch. But, last Saturday, no words emblazoned discount.

In one of the clothing stores, jeans famous brand "Levis" is discounted by 50% to become USD 100 thousand to $ 150 thousand. some visitors at the sight of so dont buy their products instead of seeing the label are listed in the waist was cut. Why should I cut? "That's the rules, sir. Lowering the price but cuting label, meaning that the brand must be discarded, but I assure you about the original material and good, sir, "explained one of the women guards cashier.

Instead of buying expensive shirts but the design is not frivolous and worn on the body is not good passable people looking shirts that are sold alongside a road. White t-shirt design with the words "Paris Van Java Bandung" is sold at prices ranging from Rp 10,000 to Rp 20,000 .- The shirt is helping design the Old Town Bandung picture with an old car that was in the middle. There are also pictures Sate Building. Not a bad addition to unsightly, dipakenya also comfortable on the body.)

Wisata Tasikmalaya: Gunung, Kelom Geulis, dan Pantai

TIDAK semua orang pernah wisata ke Tasik. Padahal banget-banget asyik. Jauh dari bising alias berisik. Di jalanan yang bersih apik pun jarang sekali kita temui sampah plastik. Coba ajak keluarga sekali-sekali home stay di sana. Anda akan menemukan suasana lain dari yang lain.  Carilah pemukiman penduduk yang bersahaja, rumahnya masih panggung di atas kolam yang banyak berisi ikan mas. Suasana seperti ini bisa kita temui, salah satunya di pemukiman kaki gunung Galunggung. 

Penduduknya yang ramah, pasti senang banget ‘ketumpangan’ orang dari kota. Mereka akan sigap menyiapkan nasi kukus panas, sambal kecap berisi cabe rawit, potongan kecil-kecil bawang merah plus bawang putih yang diuleg lebih dulu.  Anda dan sekeluarga akan berteriak “wadaaaow!” yang berarti nikmatnya “ maknyus” manakala ikan mas goreng/bakar terhidang dengan colekan sambal kecap.

Di Kota Tasimalaya yang cukup disebut Tasik ini, Anda dan sekeluarga bisa belanja yang namanya Kelom Geulis, yakni sandal terbuat dari kayu dan payung khas terbuat dari kertas . Selain itu, ada busana-busana renda bordir. Asal tahu saja, Tasik ini memang tempatnya urusan bordir-membordir. Perancang terkenal Ramli kalau tidak salah adalah salah satu putra terbaik dari Tasik yang berhasil mengangkat citra bordir ke dalam rancangan-rancangannya yang berkelas internasional. 

Kereta jaman baheula
Kota Tasikmalaya, berjarak 60 Km dari Kota Garut, merupakan ibukota dari kabupaten dengan nama yang sama. Selain kerajinan yang telah disebutkan di atas, Tasik juga terkenal dengan kerajinan tangan dari rotan. Daun pohon palem dan bambu digunakan sebagai bahan untuk membuat tikar, keranjang, asbak, topi anyaman, dan payung kertas. Tasik yang terkenal sebagai kota transit, pun memiliki sebuah industri batik kecil. Kalau bicara obyek wisatanya, banyak tempat-tempat menarik untuk dikunjungi.
Anda bisa mengajak keluarga ke pusat pembuatan barang kerajinan di Desa Rajapolah, 12 Km utara Tasikmalaya. Di sini kita bisa membeli barang-barang kerajinan dari rotan dengan harga relatif murah. Tawar-menawar bisa langsung kepada pembuatnya.

Ada tip bagi ibu yang suka memasak nasi tapi dari beras yang asli gilingan kampung. Jika kebetulan mampir di salah satu pasar di kota Tasik, belilah sekarung beras yang masih asli hasil gilingan setempat. Maklum, kalau di kota besar, beras kadang terlihat putih tapi ternyata hasil gosokan yang ditambah bahan pemutih. Makanya, kalau berkunjung ke daerah seperti Tasik, sempatkanlah membeli beras kampung yang masih asli, wangi dan tanpa pemutih.

Kalau memang masih ada waktu, jangan buang kesempatan untuk mampir ke obyek wisata Cipanas Galunggung yang merupakan kawasan wisata air panas yang terletak di kaki Gunung Galunggung. Gunung api ini pernah meletus secara dramatik pada 1982. Cipanas Galunggung terletak 20 Km barat laut Tasikmalaya. Dari rekreasi air panas Cipanas Galunggung ini wisatawan dapat meneruskan perjalanan mengikuti jalan kecil ke sebuah air terjun kecil dan terus ke bawah kawah Gunung Galunggung sejauh 3 Km. 
Kalau Anda termasuk orang yang kangen akan keindahan danau, bisa Anda kunjungi Situ Lengkong yang terletak 40 Km utara Tasikmalaya, 500 meter dari Desa Panjalu. Anda bisa merasakan ketenangan dan kedamaian di danau yang di tengahnya terdapat sebuah pulau kecil yang ditutupi pepohonan. Di sini kita dapat menyewa perahu untuk berkeliling mendekati pulau di tengahnya.

[ NOT all people ever travel Tasik. Though really, really fun. Far from the noisy alias noisy. The streets are clean neat too rarely do we see plastic waste. Try to take an occasional family home stay there. You'll find another atmosphere than the other. Look for a modest residential, homes are still the stage over the pool that contains a lot of goldfish. This atmosphere we can meet, one of them at the foot of the mountain settlements Galunggung.
Its people are friendly, definitely excited about 'ketumpangan' people of the city. They will readily prepare hot steamed rice, soy sauce containing chili pepper, cut into small red onions plus garlic diuleg first. You and your family will shout "wadaaaow!" Which means pleasure "maknyus" when carp fry / burn poke served with soy sauce.
In the city called Tasik Tasimalaya enough of this, you and your family can shop whose name Geulis clogs, sandals that are made of wood and typical umbrellas made of paper. In addition, there are dresses lace embroidery. Just so you know, this is the place Tasik-embroider embroidery business. Ramli famous designer if no one is one of the best sons of Tasik who managed to lift the image of the embroidery into the design of an international-class design. ]
Train times antiquatedTasikmalaya city, located 60 Km from the City Main Page, is the capital of the district with the same name. In addition to crafts that have been mentioned above, Tasik also famous for its handicrafts from rattan. Palm leaves and bamboo are used as materials for making mats, baskets, ashtrays, hat weaving, and paper umbrellas. Tasik known as a transit city, also has a small batik industry. When it comes to tourism objects, many interesting places to visit.
You can invite family to the center of the manufacture of handicrafts in the village of Rajapolah, 12 km north of Tasikmalaya. Here we can buy handicraft items from rattan with a relatively cheap price. Haggling can be directly to the manufacturer.
There are tips for the mother who loves to cook rice, but from the original rice mill village. If you happen to drop by one of the markets in the city Tasik, buy a bag of rice that is still the original results of the local mill. Understandably, if in a big city, sometimes rice looks white but is apparently the result of plus rubbing bleach. So, if you visit areas such as Tasik, sempatkanlah buy rice pristine villages, fragrant and without bleach.
If indeed there is still time, do not waste the opportunity to stop at the tourist attraction Galunggung Cipanas which is a tourist area hot springs located at the foot of Mount Galunggung. This volcano has erupted dramatically in 1982. Cipanas Galunggung located 20 km northwest of Tasikmalaya. Of hot water recreation Cipanas this Galunggung tourists can go on to follow a small path to a small waterfall and continue down the crater of Mount Galunggung distance of 3 km.
If you include people who will miss the beauty of the lake, can be visited Situ Lengkong located 40 km north of Tasikmalaya, 500 meters from the village of Panjalu. You can feel the tranquility and peace in the lake in the middle there is a small island covered with trees. Here we can hire a boat to get around to approach the island in the middle.

Garut: Swiss van Java!

IF your mind again cramped alias profanity, a walk way to the City Main Page. Once you arrive and untouchable breeze in there, your soul will be dissolved with the atmosphere of beauty Garut.If the famous Bandung as "Paris Van Java", then the Main Page is proud to receive the title "Swiss Van Java" because of, its beauty was no less interesting. The name is cool it could be an attempt to equate similarity Garut like Swiss mountains surrounded.
Are you sure honey moon this here?

Garut town located about 63 km south-east of Bandung. Plateau region is surrounded by a number of mountain peaks, mostly volcanic mountains. These conditions make the area Garut a fertile agricultural region. Arrowroot should be proud because it is central to producing vegetables, citrus, tea and tobacco. In addition, the city is known as a producer of cool leather jacket and "fights his sheep".Arrowroot is also rich in tourist areas. Tourist attraction is the famous resort area Cipanas located 6 km north-west at the foot of Town Main Page
Mountain Thunder. A relatively small tourist area has hot springs are channeled into pools and baths are located in various lodgings in Cipanas. This place can be used as a base (base) before exploring some of the other attractions in the vicinity. If you want here, call it Tarogong area.To be complete in the eyes to enjoy a fascinating journey, it's good that we just rent or Delman Andong. Problem cheaper rates. Freshwater only. Coachman flexible, really. That way, you can drop in to various corners of the city of Garut, stop at the market, a roadside hawker food. Well, not playing it feels.

Domba Garut figther

In this Cipanas tour, you can be staying in cheap lodgings, and swimming in warm water. Each hotel room or a small inn on the water, always provide hot showers. If you're tired and weary, once completed the warm water bath, the body feels fresh again. Here do not forget to buy a leather cap (laken) with a relatively cheap price. But, of course, must be the bargain first. Leather hat that you take home could become a question of your friends in the office because in addition to cheap model was not embarrassing.

About 3 km from Cipanas, through streets which climb towards the summit of Mount Guntur, there Citiis waterfall waterfall. From this location we can continue to climb for 4 hours to the summit of Mount Thunder. Should climb starts about 5 am to get a clear view from the heights of the mountaintop. 

Temple Cangkuang
About 10 km to the north near the Main Page there is a temple Cangkuang Leles derived dri the 8th century and is one of the few relics of the Hindu temple located in West Java. The temple is located in the middle of the lake Situ Cangkuang has a peaceful atmosphere with a panoramic view that is quite interesting.In addition to the temple there is the tomb grandparent Cangkuang Dalem Arif Muhammad, a propagator of Islam in this area. Arif Mohammed and his friends came from Mataram kingdom in East Java. They come to attack the army of the VOC in Batavia while spreading Islam in particular and the Village Cangkuang Garut general.

Geothermal Kamojang

Mount Papandayan 

These attractions are no less interesting. Mountain with an altitude of 2662 meters is located about 28 km southwest of Garut. This mountain is one of the mountains that are still active in West Java. Crater Papandayan yellow and removing bubbles located lower than the peak of the mountain. This peak can be seen from the City of Garut on a sunny morning.

To get to Mount Papandayan by public transport, tourists can ride minibus from Main Page to the majors Cikajang and then get off at the bend near Cisurupan that leads to Mount Papandayan. From the tourist parking lot should be shooting went away for half an hour to climb to the crater is composed of mud ponds that emit bubbles, holes that emit steam and sulfur region.

Geothermal of Kawah Kemojang

Crater Kamojang 

In the east there is Mt Telagabodas Index.php (2201 Meters), which has bright green crater and remove bubbles. To reach this place by public transport, tourists can ride public transportation with public transportation Wanaradja proceed to parking lot and then walk down.
In the northwest city of Garut there are two volcanic craters can be visited the crater Darajat (26 Km from Main Page) and Kamojang Crater (23 km from Main Page) which is an area of ​​geothermal power plants (geothermal).

Kamojang Crater is a volcanic crater surrounded by jungle mountains with beautiful scenery. To go to these places from the City Main Page, you can take the direction towards Samarang or Paseh with road conditions are good enough to pass the vehicle.

Great mosque of Garut

Kampung Naga 

Snack Dodol Garut
This is the unspoilt village of Sunda. Kampung Naga. A Sundanese village ketradisionalan pristine with Sundanese-style building houses the original. Hundreds of years old tradition passed down from generation to generation yan is still maintained in the village which has a very beautiful panorama.
Let me quickly get to Kampung Naga, travelers are able to use public transport from Garut to Tasikmalaya and stopped at Neglasari, 26 Km from Main Page. Kencantikan village has attracted many foreign tourists to visit here. However, tourist arrivals is still not reduce the beauty and purity of the culture here. Visitors who come must be accompanied by a guide.